Serving the Valley since 1981 (970) 926-2770
Employer Safety Award 2014
Ewing Trucking & Construction believes safety to of the highest importance. In June 2014, Ewing Trucking & Construction was awarded the Employer Safety Award from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. We were extremely honored to be selected as one of only six Colorado companies to receive this award. The Ewing family had a wonderful evening at the Governor's Mansion in Denver for the celebration. Please click here to view the article printed in our local newspaper.
Ewing Trucking & Construction LLC is proud to have been awarded the prestigious Circle of Safety Award from Pinnacol Assurance for 6 years. We have also been awarded the Cost Containment Certificate from the State of Colorado since 2009. In July 2014, Ewing Trucking & Construction was awarded the Employer Safety Award from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. Ewing Trucking & Construction LLC has an NCCI Experience Modification rating of .76, which is one of the best possible ratings in the industry.
Ewing Trucking & Construction has numerous policies that outline our safety practices and expectations in the field and at our shop. We also have a Zero Tolerance drug and alcohol policy with pre-employment and random drug testing. Ewing Trucking & Construction strives to provide a safe work environment for its employees by providing them with the tools and knowledge to complete their job.
Ewing Trucking understands that safety is of the utmost importance and is taken seriously by all member of our team. Safety has been a core value and a part of our company from the beginning. We hold weekly safety meetings to discuss general safety issues, job specific concerns, and proper PPE. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and we could not have the clean safety record we do without the diligent attention of all crewmembers onsite. Providing a safe work environment is a priority and adherence to safety policies is a condition of employment.